by Aggregation Desk - 13 months ago -
This week, Gov. Rick Scott celebrates the end of the 2014 Legislative Session with a state-wide "victory" tour highlighting a state budget approved by lawmakers, Republican and Democrats disagree about whether the proposed spending plan includes a record amount for public schools and the NAEP says Florida students learning gains are flat.
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -
HB 1153 and SB 1194 would establish standard reporting requirements for citizen support organizations and direct support organizations and a process for sunset review by the Legislature every five years. Friends of Florida State Parks is concerned the sunset review could discourage donors from giving money for state park projects.
by Gray Rohrer - 16 months ago -

Gov. Rick Scott's plan includes a $542 million increase in education spending, but part of the increase will likely come from an increase in property values and property taxes. ... Related Research: Governor's Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.
by Gray Rohrer - 21 months ago -

Several state agencies and programs will be affected by the shutdown, with the severity depending on the length of the federal budget impasse. ... Related Research: Drafts of Florida Senate Reports on the Federal Government Shutdown.
by Gray Rohrer - 21 months ago -

A court decision effectively reducing payments to the agency from counties for juvenile detention center stays is the main contributor to a $54.5 million budget hole. ... Related Research: Sept. 12, 2013 Joint Legislative Budget Commission meeting packet, a letter and judicial opinion.
by Gray Rohrer - 22 months ago -
Department of Juvenile Justice Secretary Wansley Walters wrote to Gov. Scott and legislative leaders alerting them to a potential $54.5 million shortfall stemming from a court ruling and new federal guidelines. The shortfall could lead to the closing of juvenile detention centers if steps aren't taken to mitigate the shortfall, she wrote.
by James Call - 23 months ago -

The Miami-based group of young adults released a package of proposals and announced a voter registration drive to support like-minded candidates. Dreamers want a repeal of the "stand your ground" law and call for the end of zero-tolerance policies in public schools. ... Related Research: Dream Defenders handouts on "stand your ground" and Florida's school-to-prison pipeline.
by Bill Cotterell - 27 months ago -

With a forensic anthropologist and head of DJJ, Nelson calls for more investigation of the Dozier school's "sordid" past. The head of the state's juvenile-justice system said horror stories surrounding the place are "the prime example" of why Gov. Rick Scott is changing Florida's methods of dealing with young lawbreakers.
by Gray Rohrer - 28 months ago -

The Chief Financial Officer is pushing bills to allow him to pre-audit state contracts and train contract managers.
by Florida Current Staff - 30 months ago -

This week we learned that government workers in Florida will have to continue to pay 3 percent into their pensions, that a Department of Revenue working group is considering a repeal of the communications services tax but increasing the general sales tax, and that the local water district wants an 11-year postponement in setting minimum flows for Wakulla Springs.