by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -
Springs supporters were stymied in efforts to get more money to protect north Florida springs but a powerful ally in the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee secured funding for the Everglades and Indian River Lagoon during the 2014 Legislative Session.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -
SB 1576, requiring septic tanks in areas with polluted springs and tightening laws to prevent over pumping of groundwater, died in the House. "Like the bill's sponsors, we get frustrated to hear the springs bill is not the right approach -- but we don't hear what the alternative is," said Eric Draper of Audubon Florida.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -

Rep. Steve Crisafulli, the incoming House speaker in 2015, said he will take a comprehensive approach to dealing with water issues. The Senate's spring bill was never heard in the House. " There was a lot of folks who didn't see that as being the right approach for what is right for the future," he said after the session ended. Senators vowed to be back with legislation in 2015.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -
On the final day of the 2014 legislative session, several environmental bills are ready for a vote in the Senate. But in the House, the question remains whether the springs bill passed by the Senate will be heard. "It's got as good a shot as any bill that's coming over from the Senate," House Speaker Will Weatherford said, before mentioning that a two-thirds vote will be needed to hear it on the House floor.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -

SB 1576 dealing with springs is on the Senate special order calendar for Wednesday. Some environmentalists have criticized the House for not acting on the companion bill, HB 1313. "Does the springs bill have a chance in the Senate? I think is the better question," House Speaker Will Weatherford said.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -

House and Senate negotiators agreed to environmental spending including $167.8 million for Lake Okeechobee and Everglades restoration projects, $25 million for springs protection and $17.5 million in new revenue for conservation lands. Sen. Joe Negron, the Senate's budget chief, called the proposed budget "really strong" but some environmentalists said conservation lands and springs protection came up short.
by Bruce Ritchie - 12 months ago -

Groups representing cities, counties, industry and utilities line up to oppose SB 1576 after a provision providing for one-time funding was approved in place of a recurring funding source for water quality improvement projects."A one-time appropriation, no matter the amount, I don't believe would satisfy the needs of the state," said Ryan Matthews of the Florida League of Cities.
by Bruce Ritchie - 13 months ago -

While a Senate springs proposal has passed two committees its House companion has not moved and the Speaker said a springs policy has yet to be determined.
by Bruce Ritchie - 13 months ago -
Some property rights advocates and septic tank owners spoke up against the bill but other groups say their working with the bill sponsors, or they're not saying anything at all.
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -

Patronis said he's dropping a section of the bill that would allow 50-year water use permits for landowners participating in water storage programs. Environmental groups now are calling on legislators to drop the bills. "We're just fed up," said Mary Jean Yon, legislative director for Audubon Florida.
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -

Sen. Charles Dean navigated a springs bill over the concerns expressed by property rights and tea party groups. It calls for wastewater improvements. "You are not going to study us to death on this one," Sen. Andy Gardiner told the opponents. "And you are not going to run out the clock."
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -

Committee chairs are beginning to release budget recommendations and Rep. Albritton's falls short of the governor's recommendations and indicates problems for a spring proposal being considered by the Senate. One leading senator says it will take "budget magic" to hit a $378 million request by springs proponents
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -

A ban on spreading septic tank waste would be delayed for two years under a proposal approved by the House Ag & Natural Resources Committee. The measure also calls for a waste-disposal study to be completed by the start of the 2015 legislative session.
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -
SB 1516 by Sen. Charlie Dean was scheduled to get its first vote on Thursday but was temporarily postponed while comments are received on a new version of the bill. The draft language includes what the Sierra Club says would be a prohibition on stronger local fertilizer ordinances. "We are decidedly not happy about that," said a club spokesman.
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 14 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 15 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 15 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 15 months ago -
by Bruce Ritchie - 15 months ago -