by Gray Rohrer - 23 months ago -
Sales were up 22 percent to $15.7 billion in the second quarter for the online retail giant, yet it still reported a net operating loss of $7 million as it looks for lucrative taxpayer incentive deals as it considers where to place warehouses in Florida. ... Related Research: Press release, " Announces Second Quarter Sales up 22% to $15.70 Billion."
by Bill Cotterell - 25 months ago -
Gov. Rick Scott says if the retailing powerhouse brings a physical presence to Florida, it could mean 3,000-plus new jobs in the state. However, such a move may trigger the collection of a 6 percent sales tax on its Internet sales. ... Related Research: Press release "Governor Scott And Amazon Announce Proposal To Create Jobs In Florida" and Statement by House Speaker Will Weatherford.
by Gray Rohrer - 32 months ago -
The Florida Retail Federation predicts $58 billion in sales this holiday season, up 5.2 percent from 2011. ... Related Research: Nov. 15, 2012 Forecast from the Florida Retail Federation: The "12 Holiday Trends for Christmas."
by Travis Pillow - 43 months ago -
Even though there's a gleam on Florida's financial horizon, it still appears that lawmakers will prefer to make more big cuts in the state budget than raise taxes to cover the shortfall, estimated as high as $2 billion.
by Kim MacQueen - 48 months ago -
Gov. Rick Scott, who said he did not know about the one percent transaction fee charged by MyFloridaMarketPlace, makes promise after hearing a complaint that the fee is an unfair tax on small businesses.
by Gary Fineout - 51 months ago -
Pushed by Attorney General Pam Bondi, the Department of Revenue will consider whether or not to adopt rules related to online booking companies. A bill that would have exempted the companies from taxes did not pass this session.
by Brent Henzi - 53 months ago -
A bill that would help online booking companies avoid paying higher taxes was approved by a House committee on Tuesday. Supporters of an amendment say it will aid transparency, but they clashed with opponents who say it's only "window dressing."
by Brent Henzi - 53 months ago -
A House panel narrowly defeated a bill by a single vote meant to spare online travel companies from paying taxes based on retail prices. But supporters made a last-ditch effort to save the measure and the bill was brought up again in order to be postponed and have it voted on again on a later date.