by Gray Rohrer - 32 months ago -
Despite numerous interviews and a background check, Gov. Rick Scott's office was unaware that bank executive Hunting Deutsch had received unemployment benefits when he was out of work for three years before he was appointed to head the Department of Economic Opportunity, the agency that administers jobless claims.
by Gray Rohrer - 32 months ago -
After Bank United executive Hunting Deutsch was let go when the bank failed in 2009, he received unemployment benefits while traveling overseas. In April, he took the helm of the state agency responsible for what critics say is the most difficult in the nation for the jobless to obtain benefits. ... Related Research: Hunting Deutsch's résumé.
by Travis Pillow - 42 months ago -
The biggest sticking point is how the bill would treat Miami-Dade County, which is currently the only jurisdiction with a local "wage theft" ordinance that allows workers to seek unpaid wages and liquidated damages from their employer through county-appointed hearing officers. Other counties such as Palm Beach are considering ordinances of their own, but business groups are seeking a uniform statewide regulation.
by Brent Henzi - 52 months ago -
A bill restricting severance pay for public employees has likely been killed due to an amendment that once again sends the bill back to the Senate. Rep. Eddy Gonzalez argued the amendment keeps the bill true to the House's original position and stated during debate that "it is things like this that make me want to go home to my family."